With a remarkable range of Industrial Air Valves and allied products, we mark our huge presence in the marketplace as a manufacturer, exporter and supplier. The various components used in the manufacturing of our products along with Air Valves, are sourced from highly reliable vendors. This helps in maintaining the quality benchmark of our huge range of products including Industrial Air Valves. We employ innovative production techniques to deliver superior quality Air Valves and other products. Our team members are very accurate in performing and delivering according to the specifications of our clients.
Business Type
Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier
Primary Competitive Advantages
- Robust infrastructure
- Research & development facility
- Quality monitoring unit
- Affordable priced products
- Timely delivery of consignment.
No. of Staff
Year of Establishment
No. of Production Lines
No. of Engineers
Monthly Production Capacity
As per order
Product Range
- Cast Iron Pipes
- Air Valves
- Industrial Air Valves
- Pipe Fittings
- Special Items.
Standard Certification
ISO: 9001:2000 certification
Other Products
- Cast Iron, Ductile
Iron, S.G. Iron Screwed flanged Pipes, Varing from 80mm dia to
1000mm dia, Confirming to IS. 1536-2001, IS. 8329-2000, IS.
7181-1986, IS. 1538-93, Flanging as per IS. 1538-93, IS 13382-92.
- Chemical Plant Pipes
& Valves for ACID & fertilizer plants.
- Other items as per
specific requirement of our customers in C.I.S.G.I. and for
chemical & Acid & fertilizer, Water treatment Plant &
- Nihard & wire
resistant castings for fertilizer, paper & cement plants
according to requirements & Drgs upto 200 kgs. Unit weight of
these castings can be 400 Kgs. of unit Wt. in special cases.